“Krispy Rishtey” (2024) is a delightful romantic comedy that explores the quirky dynamics of modern relationships. Set in a vibrant city, the film follows the lives of two protagonists, Riya and Aman, who are navigating the ups and downs of love and friendship.

Riya, an aspiring baker with a passion for creating unique desserts, is determined to make her mark in the culinary world. Aman, a charming but slightly commitment-phobic entrepreneur, finds himself captivated by Riya’s creativity and spirit. Their paths cross at a local food festival, sparking an unexpected connection.

As they collaborate on a baking competition, the film highlights the humorous misadventures they encounter, including family expectations and societal pressures. With a colorful cast of supporting characters—friends, family, and rivals—the story unfolds with warmth and laughter, showcasing the importance of authenticity in relationships.

“Krispy Rishtey” is not just about love; it’s about embracing individuality and the joy of pursuing one’s passions. With catchy music, charming visuals, and relatable moments, this film promises to entertain and resonate with audiences of all ages, making it a sweet treat for rom-com lovers.